how to measure mobile home windowKnowing how to measure mobile home windows is a very important skill to have if you’re shoring up your RV for a trip. It doesn’t matter if it’s a short or a long one, but that trip will definitely put your RV’s durability to the test. 

Now, it’s easy to upgrade the most obvious things like the engine, tires, navigation, and air conditioning/heating. But the harder one is something that’s easy to miss. Today, we’ll be talking about replacing mobile home windows, and why you should actually do it. 

Why Replace Mobile Home Windows In The First Place? 

The simple answer is this: energy savings. 

You’re on the road, which means you don’t have power on tap. Everything you have on your mobile home is finite, including power. Replacing mobile home windows will help minimize energy usage, which will eventually save you a lot of money in the long run. Call it weatherproofing, if you will. If the windows are durable enough to withstand and negate exterior temperatures to a certain extent, your mobile home will be so much more energy-efficient. 

Now that you know about the importance of replacing your RV’s windows, here is how you can do it the right way. But first, you need to take note of this: 

To find the right measurement for a window, you must know that mobile home windows are always roughly the same size of the “rough opening” they’re attached to, according to Mobile Home Hardware. What this means is that you shouldn’t measure the window on the outside or by using its outside edges. You should always measure it from the inside. 

Now that’s out of the way, here are easy-to-follow steps. 

Related: Quick Guide To Standard RV Window Sizes & Setups

measure RV windowHow To Measure Mobile Home Windows & Replace Them

Step 1

Take a standard tape measure. The key to learning how to measure mobile home windows is attention to detail and repetition. As soon as you get a measurement for each window, make sure to double, triple, and even quadruple-check the sizes. It always pays to be thorough, because any wrong measurement will leave an opening where heat or cold may enter. As a result, your RV will consume a lot more energy that you have to pay extra for!

Step 2

Always measure from the inside. Go in and open the window from there, then use the tape measure to get accurate sizing. 

Step 3

Then, put the end of the tape measure on the inside at the left of the opening. Stretch the tape to the other end of the wall, all while staying on the inside of the opening. Afterwards, measure at the opening’s bottom while keeping the tape as straight as you can. 

Step 4

Read the tape measure to get the accurate size of the opening, then measure again–this time the top portion of the window to make sure that the readings match. This would be the standard window size for your specific RV model. 

Step 5

Once you get the most accurate measurements, use them to buy a window that is recommended for the standard size of your window opening. Just take note that the size will be slightly smaller than the actual measurements you have, so don’t freak out when you see it. 

Related: 5 Effective RV Window Insulation Techniques

Learning how to measure mobile home windows is actually the easiest part. Now let us at Peninsula Glass help you with the hardest one: picking the actual RV window to replace your old one with! Our team of experts are more than happy to assist you with finding what you need.